The 5 Most Maddening Myths You Have Been Fed About Juicing

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Product Name: The 5 Most Maddening Myths You Have Been Fed About Juicing


Are you also confused about juicing?

From doctors to nutritionists and journalists are embroiled in heated debates on the subject.

Why juice your fruits and veggies, if you can just eat them whole…the way nature intended?

Fact is, we normally don’t get anywhere close to the recommended daily intake of between 5 and 13 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables.

According to surveys, most adults don’t even eat 3 portions of fruits and veggies per day!

Study after study indicates that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables can contribute to reducing cancer risks and the occurrence of heart disease. It can also help to keep age-related degenerative diseases at bay and make weight management easier.

From this, it is clear that our generally poor intake of fresh goodies is bad news for our health!

A juicer may be one of the best tools available to easily improve the stats with regard to fruit and veggie consumption.

Unfortunately juicing myths, lies and half-truths abound; it has been exasperating to hear some of these for most of the 20-odd years I have been juicing!

So, before we go any further, let’s first turn 5 of the most maddening myths about juicing on their heads!

It is true that you do lose the insoluble fiber during the juicing process, but you don’t lose the soluble fiber such as pectin and gum.

Soluble fiber dissolves in the water in your digestive tract, forming a gel-like substance.

It fills you up to some extent and slows down digestion and the metabolism of carbs, all playing a role in healthy weight loss. What makes soluble fiber particularly important is the way in which it can help to lower cholesterol. It can also play a role in blood sugar control, by slowing sugar absorption in your body.

Soluble Fiber Is Retained In Your Vegetable Juice

Insoluble fiber fills you up and speeds up the movement of food through your digestive system. Insoluble fiber is crucial for keeping you regular.

And, of course, you will still be eating your regular meals with plenty of whole fruits and veggies, seeds and nuts, etc. This will ensure that you get enough fiber in your diet.

Steer clear of buying bottled, pasteurized juices, though. These are unlikely to give you the same benefits.

This doesn’t have to be the case. If you have a juicer that is easy to use and quick to rinse clean, juicing doesn’t require that much time. In fact, I have timed myself!

If I am juicing only for myself, I can do it in 8 to 10 minutes flat! 🙂

This includes the whole process, from taking the goodies out of the refrigerator to having everything cleaned up again afterwards. Not bad for getting in a whole plateful of fresh fruits and veggies… The recipe I timed included red bell pepper, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, pear, cucumber and ginger.

Now, just imagine how long it would have taken me to prepare a salad with all these ingredients, or to cook the whole caboodle…

More than 10 minutes? You bet! And who would have eaten all that before work, anyway? Yes, even if you have to rush off for work, it should be possible to invest 8 to 10 extra minutes in your health, don’t you think?

Okay, if you juice for a family of 3 or 4, it might take around 30 minutes. In my book that is still not asking too much for the pay off in terms of possible health benefits.

So, not even considering the longer term benefits such as getting more nutrients that offer cancer protection or protection from age-related degenerative diseases, it is well worth every minute invested in juicing.

And, if the whole family joins in the fun, it can become a highly satisfying family activity that can teach everyone more about nutrition and healthier living.

First off, this is simply not true. In fact, researchers have found that more than 90% of the antioxidant activity is in the juice, not in the left over pulp.

More nutrients are extracted

In fact, the exact opposite of this myth is true. Normally a huge percentage of the nutrients in fruits and veggies remains trapped in the tough plant fibers. These move through your digestive tract, without your body gaining any benefit from them. What juicing does is to extract all this goodness, making it available to your body in a form that is extremely easy to take up.

So, by the time your juicer ejects the pulp, virtually all the nutrients have been removed from it. All that is left, is the insoluble fiber.

Nutrients are easier to absorb

Secondly, you gain access to more nutrients in another way. Many of us have digestive systems that don’t function optimally for a variety of reasons.

This is particularly true for older folks. When you run fruits and vegetables through a juicer, the machine pre-digests it in a sense. I like to think of fresh veggie juice as ‘intravenous food’ for your body…that is how easily it is absorbed, even if your digestion is impaired in some way.

There are research studies indicating that blood levels of certain antioxidants could be higher after juicing, than after eating the raw or cooked vegetables.

You Can Juice Rinds And Skins You Would Never Eat!

A third way in which you will be gaining in terms of nutrient intake, is by being able to juice parts of the fruits and vegetables you would normally not think of eating! Many extremely valuable nutrients are found in the skins and seeds of produce, or just below the skin. This is often lost when eating the whole fruit or veggie.

For instance, did you know that you can juice kiwi fruit with its skin? Or that watermelon can be juiced rind and all? This gives you much better value for money.

Just think about how much you are wasting when eating only the sweet red flesh of a watermelon, for example…

The inner, whitish part of watermelon rind is an excellent source of the amino acid citrulline. Your body turns citrulline first into another amino acid called arginine and then converts the arginine into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps to lower blood pressure, improves and protects artery health and improves blood circulation.

When juicing, you can have it all!

Here you have 3 solid reasons why juicing will actually ramp up your nutrient intake, rather than reduce it!

This is probably true if you are drinking store-bought fruit juices. However, vegetable juicing is not the same thing.

At first you may opt to start with juices that contain more fruits, but as you progress and get used to the tastes, it will become easier and easier to up the percentage of veggies, while lowering the higher sugar fruit content.

To reduce the sugar content, you can also select mainly vegetables that grow above ground. These are lower in sugar that the below ground ones such as beetroot and carrots. Be sure to add a variety of greens such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, watercress and celery.

You can even opt for vegetables which have been shown to be particularly helpful in blood sugar control, such as green beans. Also remember that the soluble fiber that helps to slow down sugar absorption, is retained in the juice.

You don’t always need sweet fruits to enhance the taste of your juices. Lime and lemon work very well in green juices. Ginger is great for adding extra flavor and shredded coconut can be used for extra sweetness.

As a family we have only been juicing for about 20 years!

Some passing fad, indeed 🙂

Vegetable juicing the way I teach it, is not about making a short term fashion statement. It is all about making juicing an integral part of your daily nutrition plan. I call it ‘adopting a new healthstyle’ that can be sustained for life, allowing you to easily reach that optimal intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is not about going on a starvation, low-calorie liquid diet. It is all about giving your body the nutrients it needs to thrive, while losing weight at a slow pace and in a healthy way, if there are a few extra pounds you want to get rid of. A tool that helps you to adopt the healthy habits that will KEEP the weight off.

It is not about cutting out the healthy, aromatic, delicious, chewy foods you love. It is all about learning to make the smartest food choices, while also adding juicing to boost your intake of nutrients.

But, how DOES juicing help with weight loss?

Scientific studies have shown that folks who include fresh juices in their diet, find it much easier to lose weight! There are 5 main reasons why juicing could help you to drop extra pounds…

Even though the insoluble fiber is removed in the juicing process, vegetable juices can be very filling. Try having your glass of juice 15 minutes or so before your main meal. You should be less likely to overeat if you do this, as you won’t be nearly as hungry when you get to the table.

2. It can reduce cravings

Often our cravings are an indication of some specific nutrient our bodies need. If you drink freshly made veggie juice, you will be giving your body a nutrient-dense boost that can work towards reducing these cravings. This can help you to lose weight, as you will be less peckish.

3. It can improve natural detoxification

Vegetable juice could help to reduce the effect of environmental toxins that can make it difficult to lose weight. One particular example is what is called xenoestrogens. These are hormone disruptors and we are all exposed to them in our environment these days.

They can cause havoc when it comes to your metabolism and weight loss efforts. The great thing is that cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli and kale) can help to give your body what it needs to fight xenoestrogens. improve hormone balance in general and help your body’s natural detox systems to function optimally.

4. It can balance your body

If you are struggling with water retention and bloating due to hormonal imbalances, juicing can help. The juices could serve a balancing purpose in your body and ingredients such as cucumber, watermelon or celery might address water retention specifically. Your juices can in fact act as a very gentle, natural diuretic.

5. It can quiet down that sweet tooth

Most of the veggie juices will have some sweetness, especially if you use carrots, beetroot and apples as a base. You can also create a sweeter juice by stirring in shredded coconut.

If you get a craving for something sweet, you could try having a glass of juice first. This can often get that sweet tooth to quiet down, without a calorie overload!

Now, before we go any further, I would like
to tell you a bit about myself

My name is Rika Susan. I am the juicing coach at, your one-stop resource for juicing know-how and recipes, as well as healthy nutrition news.

I have been housebound for more than 30 years with a debilitating neurological illness called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.). After becoming ill, I began searching for ways to take care of my special dietary needs.

Eventually I discovered the delicious benefits of juicing, started to do research and the rest is history! Soon, we had a juicer in the kitchen, a refrigerator stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables and we were juicing as a family.

I have never looked back. While juicing is not a cure for M.E., it has given my body invaluable nutritional support over the years. It has enabled me to maintain a level of health that would not have been possible without it.

Juicing helped me to increase my intake
of fruits and vegetables significantly

While I sometimes struggle to get solid foods down because of the illness, I tolerate my veggie juice with the greatest of ease. Through juicing I my intake of fruits and vegetables has skyrocketed. I also gained access to a much larger variety of fresh goodies.

We have now been avid ‘juicers’ for around 20 years and I am still learning….

Over the years I have so often heard complaints like these…

So… I created exactly this – for me and for all my fellow juicing enthusiasts!

Just like you, I wanted a one-stop, clear-as-day juice recipe resource I could tap into whenever I felt like juicing. And I wanted to share all my super recipe combinations, plus the valuable nutrition tips I have gathered over the years!

So, I combined all the pieces of the juicing puzzle into a simple, easy-to-use juicing program called…

Once you start using it, the JuicePicker will become an indispensable assistant to maintain a healthy variety in you and your family’s diet!

Juicing is about good nutrition, and this software program helps to make good nutrition a way of life, and to make it easy to do so!

With nearly 100 fruit and vegetable ingredients, more than 100 recipes and many extremely relevant nutrition tips this software just has to be the easiest way to ensure your family consumes a colorful variety of vegetables every day!

Do you also want to make sure you and your family get the right veggies every day? The JuicePicker makes it a snap! All 90+ ingredients are presented in the color of the main fruit and vegetable color group they belong to. This helps you choose, on a daily basis, which color groups you want to focus on.

To pick a recipe, simply select your ingredients from the drop-down list. They are colored according to the 5 main fruit and vegetable color groups, making it easy to ensure everyone gets all their veggies every day! Then press Search and you will see the recipes appear in the list below – each with a color bar to show which color groups are present!

So do you peel carrots? What to do with the beet greens? Every recipe has all the information you need to proceed, from a list of ingredients to numbered instructions for going ahead with the juicing.

With each recipe I’ve added important information and tips which will instantly tell you more about the ingredients you’re about to use, and about the juicing process. And for even more tips, take a look below at the Bonus Software that comes FREE with Rika’s JuicePicker!

Please note: This is a digital software product that runs on Windows PC’s.

After paying through the trusted ClickBank system, you will immediately be directed to a Thank You page where you will receive your password and download information.
One click further and you will be downloading the JuicePicker .exe installation file, as well as the bonus NutriTipsPicker.
After installing them on you computer you’re ready to go!

If you have any query, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected]

Click to watch the video and see just
how easy it is to use Rika’s JuicePicker

How Does The JuicePicker Do In A Tough
No-Nonsense 19-Point Nutrition Challenge Test?

For me the proof of the pudding is in the eating! So, I decided to put Rika’s JuicePicker through its paces in a tough Nutrition Challenge test.

The results are in! To my delight the software passed with flying colors, as you will see below…

My aim is to give you real value for money, and while the JuicePicker is excellent value on its own, I decided to really go overboard…

So we developed another software program giving you even more useful information at the tips of your fingers! Yes, when you buy Rika’s JuicePicker, you also get a free copy of:

Rika’s NutriTipsPicker!

Simply select an ingredient and see which of the more than 77 tips pop out!

Please note: This is a digital software product that runs on Windows PC’s.
After paying through the trusted ClickBank system, you will immediately be directed to a Thank You page where you will receive your password and download information.
One click further and you will be downloading the JuicePicker .exe installation file, as well as the bonus NutriTipsPicker.
After installing them on you computer you’re ready to go!

If you have any query, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected]

60-Day No-Risk Guarantee

I’m absolutely certain that this JuicePicker will help you and your family live healthier lives by giving you quick access to many, many great juicing recipes, and helping you to conveniently select them according to the ingredients you prefer – and giving you free, automated access to updates.

However, if for any reason you aren’t satisfied with the program, I offer a no questions asked, IRON CLAD, 60 day money back guarantee! If you’re not happy with Rika’s JuicePicker, just let us know within 60 days and we’ll process a full refund, guaranteed!

Happy juicing!

PS: Click here to visit and subscribe to my free newsletter. You will get freebie ebooks, all the juicing tips you need and healthy nutrition news. You will also be the first to know when I publish a new article.

However, if for any reason you aren’t satisfied with the program, I offer a no questions asked, IRON CLAD, 60 day money back guarantee! If you’re not happy with Rika’s JuicePicker, just let us know within 60 days and we’ll process a full refund, guaranteed!

PS: Click here to visit and subscribe to my free newsletter. You will get freebie ebooks, all the juicing tips you need and healthy nutrition news. You will also be the first to know when I publish a new article.

No, not at all! In fact, I am no computer expert myself! My main aim was to make the JuicePicker as simple and straight forward to use as possible. You can literally have it up and running in a few minutes.

The program only takes about a minute and 20 seconds to download and install. There really is no learning curve. You can immediately go to ‘All Recipes’ to choose a juice recipe. Or you can go to ‘Pick a Juice’ to select the ingredients you have available. The software will immediately come up with a list of suitable recipes for you.

The video a bit higher up on this page takes you step by step through the process. Check it out and you will see it’s fun and super-easy!

Fruits and vegetables come in 5 main color groups. Each group has unique nutrients. The idea is to cover all 5 groups with your intake during each day, so that you get the best possible spread of nutrients. Each ingredient is colored according to the group it belongs to.

Variety and rotation are key. Try not to use the same recipe day after day. A new combination will give you a new set of nutrients.

The previous answer explains how the color coding works. The 5 colored blocks show you exactly which of the 5 groups are covered in each recipe. You can use the blocks to make sure you get the variety your body needs.

Every JuicePicker recipe includes a detailed description of how to go about preparing the juice. I will tell you exactly what you can use and what you need to discard.

Unfortunately we are not sure yet. But you are welcome to send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I will let you know as soon as it becomes available.

You can purchase one of the biodegradable washes that are available. However, this may be quite an expensive option over time.

We prefer to use a salt and lemon juice bath to soak our veggies. Add roughly 4 to 5 tablespoons of sea salt and the juice of about 1/2 a lemon to a sink of cool water. Soak harder fruits and vegetables for around 5 minutes. More fragile fruits and leafy greens need only about 2 minutes.

You can also use apple cider vinegar and salt in cold water.

Remember to wash all the items first, before cutting or slicing. If you don’t do this, your knife could transfer bacteria or pesticide residue from the skin to the flesh.

Use a firm brush for harder and rough items such as pineapple and carrots. And, when slicing, make sure you use a cutting board that isn’t used for meat. To be safe, you should keep one that you use exclusively for your fresh produce.

I would not recommend this. Remember that there are no extra liquids in the recipes. As a blender just pulverizes the whole fruit or veggie, you won’t get a ‘juice’. The mixture will have a thick bits-and-pieces consistency that may not be too palatable.

In addition, you need to remember that a juicer extracts all the nutrients from the fiber, while a blender won’t do this. So, you will gain access to the insoluble fiber on the one hand, but a percentage of the nutrients will remain trapped in the fiber. These will just move through your digestive system, without your body gaining access to them. You will need a juicer for maximum intake of nutrients.

You body will also need to work harder to digest a blended mix, as it will still contain all the fiber.

If you have any ailment, are pregnant or are planning a pregnancy, discuss juicing with your doctor to ensure that it will be okay. You may need to avoid or limit your intake of certain fruits or veggies. For instance, if you are taking blood thinning medication, you may need to be careful with the leafy greens. Rather check to be on the safe side!

No, never take your medication with vegetable juice! Some fruits and veggies are known to affect the absorption rate of medications. If you take your meds with juice, your body may take up too much or too little of the medication. This can be downright dangerous. So, stick to water for taking meds (or as instructed by your doctor).

It may be safer to completely avoid something like grapefruit. Speak to your pharmacist to make sure that you are not eating or drinking anything that might interact with your meds.

If you can afford organic fruits and veggies, by all means use them. However, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is quick to stress that the most important thing is to increase your intake of fruits and veggies in any way you can. So, if your budget doesn’t allow for purchasing organic goodies, please buy regular ones, rather than going without.

When it comes to something like pesticide residue, certain fruits and veggies are more risky. If you have to choose which ones you are going to buy from an organic source, make your selection from these higher risk items: apples, celery, kale, bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, nectarines, peaches, strawberries, spinach and summer squash.

Luckily, unlike with baked goods, juicing recipes are not set in stone. If something isn’t available, or you don’t enjoy a particular ingredient, it gives you the opportunity to experiment! You are free to add something else instead and see what happens!

More neutral fruits or vegetables such as cucumber, zucchini and celery can often be used as substitutes for other ingredients. Cucumber is also superb for increasing the quantity of a juice recipe. Best of all, it is a low sugar ingredient. Never be afraid to try new combinations.

It is always better to have it immediately if at all possible. But, if there is going to be standing time, there are ways to reduce nutrient losses.

You can use a vacuum sealer if you have it available. Otherwise, try to fill the glass or jar right to the top, to keep oxygen out as far as possible. Add a few drops of lemon juice. Cover the jar or glass with aluminum foil to keep light out. Then place it in the refrigerator until you can use it. Try not to keep it for longer than 12 hours or so.

Selected References

Banner Image: © Africa Studio / Dollar Photo Club

1. State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables 2013, National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention And Health Promotion, Division Of Nutrition, Physical Activity And Obesity.

2. Oyebode Oyinlola, Gordon-Dseagu Vanessa, Walker Alice, Mindell Jennifer S. Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause, cancer and CVD mortality: analysis of Health Survey for England data. J Epidemiol Community Health 2014;68:856-862.

3. Wang Hong, Cao Guohua, and Prior Ronald L. Total Antioxidant Capacity of Fruits. Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boston, Massachusetts 02111, and Nutritional Science Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06296. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1996, 44, 701-705.

4. McEligot Archana J, Rock Cheryl L., Shanks Thomas G., Flatt Shirley W, Newman Vicky, Faerber Susan and Pierce John P. (1999). Comparison of Serum Carotenoid Responses between Women Consuming Vegetable Juice and Women Consuming Raw or Cooked Vegetables. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev March 1999 8; 227-231.

5. Brevik Asgeir, Gaivão Isabel, Medin Tirill, Jørgenesen Aud, Piasek Anita, Elilasson Johanna, Karlsen Anette, Blomhoff Rune, Veggan Turid, Duttaroy Asim K, Collins Andrew R. Supplementation of a western diet with golden kiwifruits (Actinidia chinensis var. ‘Hort 16A’): effects on biomarkers of oxidation damage and antioxidant protection. Nutr. J. 10 54 10.1186/1475-2891-10-54.

6. Chang HP, Wang ML, Hsu CY, Liu ME, Chan MH, Chen YH. Suppression of inflammation-associated factors by indole-3-carbinol in mice fed high-fat diets and in isolated, co-cultured macrophages and adipocytes. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011 December 35(12):1530-1538.

7. Coles Leah T, Clifton Peter M. Effect of beetroot juice on lowering blood pressure in free-living, disease-free adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 11 December 2012 Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:106.

8. Presley TD (Department of Physics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, USA), Morgan AR, Bechtold E, Clodfelter W, Dove RW, Jennings JM, Kraft RA, King SB, Laurienti PJ, Rejeski WJ, Burdette JH, Kim-Shapiro DB, Miller GD. Acute effect of a high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults. Nitric Oxide. 2011 Jan 1;24(1):34-42.

9. Dai Q, Borenstein AR, Wu Y, Jackson JC, Larson EB. Fruit and vegetable juices and Alzheimer’s disease: the Kame Project. Am J Med. 2006 Sep;119(9):751-9.

10. Shenoy Sonia F, Poston Walker S, Reeves Rebecca S, Kazaks Alexandra G, Holt Roberta R, Keen Carl L, Chen Hsin Ju, Haddock C Keith, Winters Barbara L, Khoo Chor San H , Foreyt John P. Weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome given DASH diet counseling when provided a low sodium vegetable juice: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:8.

11. Aiso1 Izumi, Inoue1 Hiroko, Seiyama Yukiko, Kuwano Toshiko. Compared with the intake of commercial vegetable juice, the intake of fresh fruit and komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis) juice mixture reduces serum cholesterol in middle-aged men: a randomized controlled pilot study. Lipids in Health and Disease 2014, 13:102.

12. Shenoy Sonia F, Kazaks Alexandra G, Holt Roberta R, Chen Hsin Ju, Winters Barbara L, Khoo Chor San, Poston Walker SC, Haddock C Keith, Reeves Rebecca S, Foreyt John P, Gershwin M Eric, Keen Carl L. The use of a commercial vegetable juice as a practical means to increase vegetable intake: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:38.

13. Lampe Johanna W. Health effects of vegetables and fruit: assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition September 1999 vol. 70 no. 3 475s-490s.

14. Oszmianski Jan, Wolniak Michal, Wojdylo Aneta, Wawer Iwona. Comparative study of polyphenolic content and antiradical activity of cloudy and clear apple juices. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 87, Issue 4, pages 573-579, March 2007.

CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc. and used by permission. is not an authorized agent or representative of Click Sales, Inc. Click Sales, Inc. has not reviewed, approved or endorsed Rika’s JuicePicker, or any claim, statement or opinion made by ClickSales, Inc. is located at 917 S. Lusk St., Suite 200, Boise ID 83706 USA

Banner Image: © Africa Studio / Dollar Photo Club

1. State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables 2013, National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention And Health Promotion, Division Of Nutrition, Physical Activity And Obesity.

2. Oyebode Oyinlola, Gordon-Dseagu Vanessa, Walker Alice, Mindell Jennifer S. Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause, cancer and CVD mortality: analysis of Health Survey for England data. J Epidemiol Community Health 2014;68:856-862.

3. Wang Hong, Cao Guohua, and Prior Ronald L. Total Antioxidant Capacity of Fruits. Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boston, Massachusetts 02111, and Nutritional Science Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06296. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1996, 44, 701-705.

4. McEligot Archana J, Rock Cheryl L., Shanks Thomas G., Flatt Shirley W, Newman Vicky, Faerber Susan and Pierce John P. (1999). Comparison of Serum Carotenoid Responses between Women Consuming Vegetable Juice and Women Consuming Raw or Cooked Vegetables. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev March 1999 8; 227-231.

5. Brevik Asgeir, Gaivão Isabel, Medin Tirill, Jørgenesen Aud, Piasek Anita, Elilasson Johanna, Karlsen Anette, Blomhoff Rune, Veggan Turid, Duttaroy Asim K, Collins Andrew R. Supplementation of a western diet with golden kiwifruits (Actinidia chinensis var. ‘Hort 16A’): effects on biomarkers of oxidation damage and antioxidant protection. Nutr. J. 10 54 10.1186/1475-2891-10-54.

6. Chang HP, Wang ML, Hsu CY, Liu ME, Chan MH, Chen YH. Suppression of inflammation-associated factors by indole-3-carbinol in mice fed high-fat diets and in isolated, co-cultured macrophages and adipocytes. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011 December 35(12):1530-1538.

7. Coles Leah T, Clifton Peter M. Effect of beetroot juice on lowering blood pressure in free-living, disease-free adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 11 December 2012 Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:106.

8. Presley TD (Department of Physics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, USA), Morgan AR, Bechtold E, Clodfelter W, Dove RW, Jennings JM, Kraft RA, King SB, Laurienti PJ, Rejeski WJ, Burdette JH, Kim-Shapiro DB, Miller GD. Acute effect of a high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults. Nitric Oxide. 2011 Jan 1;24(1):34-42.

9. Dai Q, Borenstein AR, Wu Y, Jackson JC, Larson EB. Fruit and vegetable juices and Alzheimer’s disease: the Kame Project. Am J Med. 2006 Sep;119(9):751-9.

10. Shenoy Sonia F, Poston Walker S, Reeves Rebecca S, Kazaks Alexandra G, Holt Roberta R, Keen Carl L, Chen Hsin Ju, Haddock C Keith, Winters Barbara L, Khoo Chor San H , Foreyt John P. Weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome given DASH diet counseling when provided a low sodium vegetable juice: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:8.

11. Aiso1 Izumi, Inoue1 Hiroko, Seiyama Yukiko, Kuwano Toshiko. Compared with the intake of commercial vegetable juice, the intake of fresh fruit and komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis) juice mixture reduces serum cholesterol in middle-aged men: a randomized controlled pilot study. Lipids in Health and Disease 2014, 13:102.

12. Shenoy Sonia F, Kazaks Alexandra G, Holt Roberta R, Chen Hsin Ju, Winters Barbara L, Khoo Chor San, Poston Walker SC, Haddock C Keith, Reeves Rebecca S, Foreyt John P, Gershwin M Eric, Keen Carl L. The use of a commercial vegetable juice as a practical means to increase vegetable intake: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:38.

13. Lampe Johanna W. Health effects of vegetables and fruit: assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition September 1999 vol. 70 no. 3 475s-490s.

14. Oszmianski Jan, Wolniak Michal, Wojdylo Aneta, Wawer Iwona. Comparative study of polyphenolic content and antiradical activity of cloudy and clear apple juices. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 87, Issue 4, pages 573-579, March 2007.

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